Cinch! 5-day Detox Recap

Detox is Done!  Finished!  Finito!  I feel amazing! ! !

 So how about a recap…

Overview:  5 days, 5 ingredients, 4 meals per day spaced 3 to 5 hours apart.  For more details about how it works, refer to my Day 1 Blog.  

How I felt:  The first couple of days were pretty easy.  The food was OK and I was excited to get started.  My energy levels were normal and I did a couple of light workouts.  I also spent a lot of time reading through the book, researching online, and finding some blog buddies to share the experience with me.  By day 3 I started to see and feel the difference in my body, but was getting weary of the same foods over and over again and was very tired and sluggish.  The sight of bread made me salivate.  On day 4 my energy returned, I got in 2 great workouts, and my cravings began to disappear.  Day 5 was a breeze.  The food suddenly tasted better because my taste buds had adjusted to the taste of real food, and I was prepping for my new meals the following day.  I ended up treating myself to a small dark-chocolate at the end of the 5th day in celebration.  A daily dose of dark chocolate is required in phase 2!

Weight loss9 pounds!  It’s hard to believe that I saw 144.4 pounds on the scale a little over a week ago after returning from our holiday (my heaviest ever), and this morning it was at 135.2.  I am sure a lot of that is water weight after my holiday gorging, but I easily slid into a skirt this morning that I could not even zip up a week go.  AMAZING!

Recommendation:  If you are motivated by quick results and don’t mind a few days of sacrifice, the “fast forward” detox phase is right for you.  You can sub some of the 5 ingredients if you don’t care for them, but the most important factor is eating the small meals every 3 to 5 hours to rev up your metabolism, and do not cheat!  If you don’t have much weight to lose or the detox phase does not appeal, you can jump right into the 25-day phase 2.

I’ll post more about Day 6 later tonight.  GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!  Please let me know how you did in your detox phase!

30 thoughts on “Cinch! 5-day Detox Recap

  1. congrats!!! i would really like to try this. can i do the diet without purchasing the book or are there a lot of measurement amounts that require me to read the book for this 5 day cleanse?

    • Hi Kara. You could do it without the book, however I recommend the book because it explains so much more than what’s on my blog. For one thing, it gives you the recipes! But more than that, it goes into great detail about how and why the diet works and lots of good tips for sustaining weight loss after the diet is over. It’s really about learning how to eat better, not a quick fix. I’ve been trying to help my sister do it without the book too, have even sent her the recipes via e-mail, and it still seems like she’d understand a lot better with the book. Either way, good luck!

  2. I’ve been inspired by your blog, and just ordered the book online! I’m a little nervous but can’t wait to start! One question, does the book give you exact recipes on how to make everything?

    • Yes it does – all recipes are in the book and I was relieved to see that they are all easy. I was tempted to post them but it seemed a little unfair to the author and I think she’s sees my blog. =)

  3. I, too, saw this on Rachael Ray, and I’m so glad you blogged your detox! It’s given me the ‘go ahead’ to go through with it now that I know it works and isn’t a torture session. I, like you, just need to take off a few pounds that I put on after getting married about a year ago. Your blog about the ‘you’re not fat, why are you dieting’ is spot on! I hate that conversation! Keep up the good work!

    I think I’ll buy the book tomorrow!

  4. Thanks for sharing Rebecca, I am starting today! I can’t thank you enough for all your great tips and step by step motivation. I will keep you posted! You are sweet not to post the recipes so we will by the book, I am sure Cynthia will appreciate that! Blessings to you!

  5. I am so glad I found your blog! Like many, I saw Cynthia on Rachael Ray yesterday. I was eager to try the plan but wanted to hear about a “real” person’s experience-not someone on tv. I am buying the food today and starting tomorrow! Your blog gave me the final push!

    • Great, that’s why I blogged about it! Check back in and let us all know how you’re doing. It is a little tough the first few days but it definitely does work.

  6. I just saw this detox on the Rachael Ray show. It was really interesting and after googling I came across your blog which was really detailed, pictures, and all. I really enjoyed reading your “5 day Fast Forward” detox. 🙂 I’m eager to go to the grocery store and pick up the missing ingredients to begin tomorrow!

  7. Hi Rebecca,
    I know I sound like a broken record…lol But I too saw Cynthia on Rachael Ray yesterday and bought the book last night! I’m planning on starting the detox plan on Monday so I have time to shop this weekend for everything that I need. My husband is in Kuwait so it’s just me against the fridge 🙂

    Finding your blog is GREAT!! I too am in the same weight range as you and just want to get back in a bikini come summer time! (I haven’t worn a bikini since I was about 15) and make a healthy lifestyle change for good!

    I look forward to reading your posts as we take this journey together! THANK YOU!!

    • Sounds like we have a lot in common, and my family lived in Kuwait for several years. Been there 3 times myself! Ruby Tuesday (my employer) actually has several restaurants there… go figure. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Thanks for sharing your experiences with the Cinch 5 day fast forward. I ordered the book and plan to start soon. I, like you, do not have a lot of weight to lose. I am an avid exerciser and hope the 5 day Fast forward does not make it too difficult to workout. I do not eat eggs so will have to use the vegan alternative, whih I believe is tofu although I am not a vegan.

    • The diet / book is very accomodating to different preferences, and yes, I think it does list tofu as the sub for eggs. Best wishes and thanks for stopping by!

  9. I’ve ordered the book after seeing Rachel Ray…retired and happy…but retirement also included full-time 24/7 access to that appliance in the kitchen with the light that goes on when the door opens! I have a magnet that states “Thou Shalt Not Weigh More Than Your Refrigerator”…I’ve been on track to make it a truth so your review has further inspired me to “get going”. Thanks! (Think I’ll restart my blog to log my progress when the book gets here.)

  10. I actually had never heard of coconut yogurt until I read the book, and was never much of a yogurt eater anyway. On day 5 of the detox, I decided to try coconut milk yogurt and it is delicious!!! Wish I had bought it sooner than on day 5.

  11. Hello,

    Do you know how to control the hunger during the fast foward detox plan? I’m into my first day and I would like to ajust the portions. I’m already thin and train 5 times a week so I’m guessing it’s normal I feel less satisfied. Thanks.

    • Hi Katina. I didn’t have any hunger issues between meals, but it sounds like since you train regularly like I do, you may need to add an egg or serving of yogurt with both your breakfast and and snack. Hope that helps.

      • Hello Rebecca

        The fast foward didn’t work for me. First I was starving most of the time, and second I didn’t lose a pound. I didn’t read the book because I find the recipies complicated for everyday meals. I could try a few of them but I’m not convinced her program is better than Bob Green’s or even Dr Oz. The Best Life worked for me and it includes realistic goals in workouts and meals as well. As for Dr Oz, in any of his diet shows, he makes sure you don’t have food in your mind all the time. So that said, I lost 2 pounds last week, after gaining 5 after our vacation and after the fast foward. Thanks for your input.

  12. Hi Rebecca!

    Loved all your posts for the Cinch FF, just saw it today on RR show… can I ask you, what did you eat before exercising while doing this cleanse?

    I exercise everyday 5 times a week, (either 60min of bootcamp or 60min of interval running in the treadmill)

    I am not overweight but always struggle with the hips/butt areas… I weigh 130 and will like to get down to 120 (I am 5’3′) but I dont know if this cleanse is ok for me… also, I eat a small banana before working out (where I usually lose 500ish calories according to my polar), I shouldnt do that? and my protein shake post work out? I usually eat 3 egg whites in the morning with one yoke… I dont know if only ONE egg would be enough after working out!

    Any insights you could tell me would be great!
    Loved to discover your blog! 🙂

    • Hi. I added an egg to my breakfast and sometimes a few extra almonds with my snack. However, given that you work out a lot (like me!) and don’t have much weight to lose, I’d recommend only doing 2-3 days of detox, or skipping it altogether, and then jumping into the core of the program. Those last 10-15 pounds are always the hardest to lose, so don’t be dissapointed if they come off very slowly – tha’t normal and healthy!. But detox will help you feel de-bloated and motivated, and then the core program will help you learn how to balance your eating and lose the weight. I’m down 14 pounds now since January and have modified the program to work with my lifestyle… it works! Thanks for stopping by. I still blog about Cinch several times a week, so check back sometime!

    • Oh, and your other question about eating before / after workout. I generally eat a fruit / grain before workout, and a protein / grain after. So add some sort of grain to your banana. Check out some of my more recent blogs… I generally post what I’m eating, what times, and also when I’m working out.

  13. Just started today the 5-day, very excited. Enjoyed watching you on Rachel Ray recently. Sounds like a great program. Will run out and get your book this week. Thanks

    • Hi Rachel. I’m glad you like the blog! Just to clarify, I’m not the author, but I did hear she was on Rachel Ray. I’m very flattered though! Check back in and let us know how you’re doing. I still blog regularly about using the Cinch philosophy in my day to day life.

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